Team =HYDRA= Raffle Group HYDRA RG
Team =HYDRA= Raffle Group HYDRA RG
11 June, 2014
Moderator Applications
All positions may ban people, but don't ban people for no reason. You have to be active.

Different Moderators:

General - Does everything

Chat - Clean language

Trade - Controls trading, making sure no scam attempts.

Suggestion - Gives suggestions, makes surveys and tells us groups we can be partners with

Event - Helps admins with the raffles, and these moderators jobs are to create giveaways. These people are essential in helping the group grow.

More Rules for this position:
1. Must create a giveaway at least every two weeks
2. Giveaways of items worth under a ref must not last more than two days
3. Giveaways of items worth a ref or more must require users that enter to do the following:
*Invite all their friends to the group"
*Leave a comment saying that they invited all of their friends"

Post them here.
Use this format please

Which mod/mods do you want to apply for:
How long you have been playing games (TF2 preffered):
How often your online for this month:
Can you be respectul to players:
What can you do to make the group better:
Do you know how to be a good moderator:
Have you or will you invite your friends every 2 weeks:
Last edited by Ice_Hawk86; 13 Jul, 2014 @ 9:17pm
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
✪ Domo the Moho 13 Jul, 2014 @ 12:27pm 
I want to apply for a event moderater, I have been playing tf2 for bout 400-500 hours, I'm expericed in raffles because I host them sometimes, I havent been online that much but that's about to change, pf course I would respect the players and I want to make the group better by making more raffles! and last of all, yes I've been a admin/moderator on a few servers before and I make sure to be a good admin/moderator that doesen't abuse his power
Originally posted by Flame Show:
I want to apply for a event moderater, I have been playing tf2 for bout 400-500 hours, I'm expericed in raffles because I host them sometimes, I havent been online that much but that's about to change, pf course I would respect the players and I want to make the group better by making more raffles! and last of all, yes I've been a admin/moderator on a few servers before and I make sure to be a good admin/moderator that doesen't abuse his power

How about giveaways? Are you willing to give away any of your things?
✪ Domo the Moho 13 Jul, 2014 @ 9:52pm 
yes i am willing to giveaway things such as a few of my stranges
Halfz 18 Jul, 2014 @ 7:27pm 
Name:[S]he[PH]er[D] I want to apply for a chat moderator
I played games 400 hours and tf2 200 hours
Keeping the chat section clear
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
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