Divinity: Original Sin - Brasil [DOSB]
Divinity: Original Sin - Brasil [DOSB]
26 June, 2014
Portuguese - Brazil
Musadriff 9 Jul, 2014 @ 12:27pm
Receitas de Crafting
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>>>>> Potions <<<<<
Potion (Poison Resistance) | Small Healing Potion + Drudanae plant
Potion (Small Healing) | Empty Potion Bottle + Penny Bun Mushroom
Potion (Medium Healing) | Small healing potion + Small healing potion (Crafting skill 1 - 2)
Potion (Large Healing) | Small healing potion + Small healing potion (Crafting skill 3+)
Potion (Armor Boosting) | Small Healing + Whisperwood
Potion (Reason) | Small Healing + Stardust plant
Potion (Poison) | Empty Potion Bottle + Fly Agaric Mushroom
Potion (Poison) | Empty Potion Bottle + Ooze Barrel
Potion (Poison Antidote) | Health potion + apple
Potion (Intimidation) | Farhangite + Minor healing potion
Potion (Charm) | Fanny Blossom + Minor healing potion
Potion (Losing) | Fly Agaric Mushroom + Minor healing potion
Potion (Perception) | Eye + Empty Potion Bottle
Potion (Water Resistance) | Bluegill + Empty Potion Bottle
Potion (Air Resistance) | Yellyroom + Empty Potion Bottle
Potion (Fire Resistance) | Guepinia + Empty Potion Bottle
Potion (Earth Resistance) | Earth Tongue Mushroom + Empty Potion Bottle
Potion (Resist all) | Fire Resistance Potion + Earth Resistance Potion
Potion (Debuff Strength) | Poison Potion + Tooth
Potion (Debuff Perception) | Poison Potion + Eye
Potion (Debuff All) | Debuff Strength Potion + Debuff Constitution Potion*
Potion (Invisible) | Air resistance Potion + Armour Potion
Potion level up | Augmentor + Any Potion (Small to Medium to Large)

>>>>> Misc/Ingredients<<<<<
Wood chips & 2x Branch | Log + Axe
Wood Mush | Water + Wood Chips
Lockpick | Needle + Needle
Lockpick | Nine Inch Nails + Hammer
Bone dust | Human Bone + Mortar and pestle
Bone dust | Any Skull + Mortar and pestle
Moondust | Moonstone + Mortar and pestle
Stardust | Stardust plant + Mortar and pestile
Pixie Dust | Moondust + Stardust
Pixie Dust | Bone dust + Stardust
Thread | Length of hair + Length of hair
Magic Feather | Pixie Dust + Feather
Magic Eye | Pixie Dust + Eye
Magic Claw | Pixie Dust + Claw
Magic Rat Tail | Pixie Dust + Rat Tail
Magic Starfish | Pixie Dust + Starfish
Magic Tusk | Pixie Dust + Tusk
Magic Skull | Pixie Dust + Skull
Magic Creepy Eye | Creepy Eye + Fairy Dust
Rope | Wool Yarn + Yarn
Thread and needle | Thread + Needle
Magic Needle & Thread | Needle & Thread + Pixiedust
Yarn | Wool + Wool
Wooden Figurine | Cloth Scraps + Thread
Iron Bar | Iron Ore + Furnace
Large Iron Bar | Iron Bar + Iron Bar
Large Iron Bar | 2 Handed Sword + Furnace
Steel Bar | Iron Bar + Furnace
Large Steel Bar | 2 Handed Axe + Furnace
Silver Bar | Silver Ore + Furnace
Tenebrium Bar | Tenebrium Ore + Furnace

>>>>> Scrolls/Skill Books <<<<<
Feather | Pillow + Knife
Quill | Feather + Knife
Ink Pot & Quill | Ink Pot + Quill
Magical Ink Pot and Quill | Ink Pot & Quill + Pixie Dust
Blank Paper | Wood Mush + Furnace
Random Elemental Scroll | Blank Paper + Pixie Dust
Random Earth Scroll | Blank Earth Scroll + Magical Ink Pot and Quill
Random Fire Scroll | Blank Fire Scroll + Magical Ink Pot and Quill
Random Air Scroll | Blank Air Scroll + Magical Ink Pot and Quill
Random Water Scroll | Blank Water Scroll + Magical Ink Pot and Quill
Empty Earth Skill Book | Blank Earth Scroll + Blank Earth Scroll
Empty Fire Skill Book | Blank Fire Scroll + Blank Fire Scroll
Empty Air Skill Book | Blank Air Scroll + Blank Air Scroll
Empty Water Skill Book | Blank Water Scroll + Blank Water Scroll
Earth Skill Book | Empty Earth Skill Book + Earth Skill scroll of choice
Fire Skill Book | Empty Fire Skill Book + Fire Skill scroll of choice
Air Skill Book | Empty Air Skill Book + Air Skill scroll of choice
Water Skill Book | Empty Water Skill Book + Water Skill scroll of choice

>>>>> Weapons <<<<<
Sword of Planets (1h all elemental resist + fire dmg) | Bottle of Swirling Mud + Fiery Heart
Wooden Stake | Knife + Log
Bow String | Sinew + Sinew
Shortbow | Branch + Bowstring
Crossbow Stock and Limb | Wooden Branch + Steel Bar
Functional Crossbow | Crossbow Stock and Limb + Bowstring
Elemental Staff | Branch + Branch
Spear | Branch + Dagger
Dagger | Knife + Anvil
Sword | Iron Bar + Anvil
2 Handed Sword | Large Iron Bar + Furnace
2 Handed Axe | Large Steel Bar + Furnace
Hand Axe | Steel Bar + Anvil
Voodoo Doll | Wooden Figurine + Needle
Real Voodoo Doll (Causes great piercing damage on any chosen enemy) | Voodoo Doll + Pixie Dust

>>>>> Armor <<<<<
Wooden Shield | Barrel Lid + Rope
Steel Shield | Wooden Shield + Scrap of Metal
Pumpkin Helmet | Knife + Pumpkin
Cracked Cookpot Helmet | Cookpot + Hammer
Antler Helmet | Leather Cap + Magic Antler
Crab Claw Helmet | Crab Claw + Leather Helmet
Leather boots | Leather Scraps + Anvil
Cloth Armor | Cloth Scraps + Needle & Thread
Magic Cloth Armor | Cloth Scraps + Magic Needle & Thread
Leather Armor | Leather Scraps + Needle & Thread
Magic Leather Armor | Leather Scraps + Magic Needle & Thread
Plate Armor | Metal Scraps + Hammer
Scale Armour | Metal Scraps + Mail Armour

>>>>> Arrow Crafting <<<<<
Arrows | Arrowhead + Arrow Shaft
Arrow Shaft | Branch + Knife
Arrowhead (Silver) | Silver Bar + Anvil
Arrowhead (Poison) | Poison Flask + Arrowhead
Arrowhead (Poison) | Ooze Barrel + Arrowhead
Arrowhead (Knockdown) | Antler + Knife
Arrowhead (Slow) | Oil Barrel + Arrowhead
Arrowhead (Weakening) | Debuff Strength Potion + Arrowhead
Arrowhead (Blinding) | Debuff Perception Potion + Arrowhead
Arrowhead (Cursing) | Debuff All Potion + Arrowhead
Arrowhead (Stunning) | Tooth + Knife
Arrowhead (Static Cloud) | Air Resistance Potion + Arrowhead
Arrowhead (Steam Cloud) | Water Resistance Potion + Arrowhead
Arrowhead (Explosive) | Minor Fire Resistance Potion + Arrowhead
Arrowhead (Poison Cloud) | Poison Arrowhead + Poison Arrowhead

>>>>> Enchanting Equipment <<<<<
Tenebrium Enchanted Weapon (Damage scale with weapon level) | Tenebrium Bar + Any Weapon
Boosted Leather Armor | Any leather Armor + Mobile Kitchen
Boosted Metal Armor | Any metal Armor + Anvil
Improved Leather Armor (+Armor Rating) | Metal Scraps + Leather Armor
Improved Plate Armor (+Armor Rating) | Plate Scraps + Plate Armor
Boosted Metal Weapon | Any Metal Weapon + Grindstone
Boosted Bow | Bow + Bowstring
Boosted Shield | Metal Shield + Anvil
Boosted Staff | Moonstone + Staff
Boosted Value | Any Armor + Pearl
Boosted Resistances (All) | Any Armor + Ruby
Add Poison Damage | Any Weapon + Poison
Add Water Damage | Any Weapon + Essence of Water
Add Fire Damage | Any Weapon + Essence of Fire
Add Earth Damage | Any Weapon + Essence of Earth
Add Air Damage | Any Weapon + Essence of Air
Add Water Resistance | Any Armor + Essence of Water
Add Fire Resistance | Any Armor + Essence of Fire
Add Earth Resistance | Any Armor + Essence of Earth
Add Air Resistance | Any Armor + Essence of Air
+1 STR, +1 Dex Weapons | Any Weapon + Tormented Soul
+1 Sneaking Skill | Any Apparel + Void Essence

>>>>> Accessories <<<<<
Amulet (Feather) +1 Dexterity | Thread + Magic Feather
Amulet (The Third Eye) +1 Perception | Thread + Magic Eye
Amulet (Rabbit Paw) +1 Lucky Charm | Thread + Magical Rabbit Paw
Amulet (chicken Claw) | Thread + Magical Chicken Claw
Amulet (Rat Tail) 5% Poison Resist | Thread + Magic Rat Tail
Amulet (Skull) +1 Int | Thread + Magic Skull
Amulet (Starfish) +30 HP | Thread + Magic Starfish
Amulet (Claw) +1 Strength | Thread + Magic Claw
Amulet (Tooth)+1 Charisma | Thread + Magic Tooth
Amulet (Fancy Feather)+1 Dex +38hp | Magic Fancy Feather + Thread
Amulet (Creepy Eye) +1 perception and huge sight bonus | Creepy Eye + Fairy Dust
Ring (Skull) +1 Con | Magical Skull + Jewlers Kit (Ring)
Ring (Tusk) +5 Poison Res | Magical Tusk + Jewlers Kit (Ring)
Ring (Rabbit Paw) +1 Speed | Magical Rabbit Paw + Jewlers Kit (Ring)
Ring (Claw) +1 Con | Magic Claw + Jeweller's Kit Ring
Ring (Feather) +1 Telekinesis | Magic Feather + Jeweller's Kit
Ring (Fancy Feather) +1 Telekinesis +38hp | Magic Fancy Feather + Jeweller's Kit Ring
Belt (Skull) +1 Con | Magic Skull + Rope
Belt (Rabbit's Paw) +1 Lucky Charm | Magic Rabbit's Paw + Rope
Belt (Tooth) +1 Charisma | Magic Tooth + Rope
Belt (Tusk) +1 Body Building | Magic tooth (ork) + Rope
Belt (Rat Tail) - 15% poison Resist | Rat tail + Rope
Belt (Claw) +1 Strength | Magic Claw + Rope
Belt (Feather) +1 Initiative | Magic Feather + Rope
Belt (Chicken Foot) +1 Initiative | Magic Chicken Foot + Rope

>>>>> Food/Drinks <<<<<
Mobile Kitchen | Cookpot + Campfire
Bottle of Wine | Empty Bottle + Wine Barrel
Cup of Wine | Empty Cup + Wine Barrel
Cup of water | Empty Cup + Water Barrel
Bottle of water | Empty Bottle + Water Barrel
Bucket of water | Bucket + Water Barrel
Orange Juice | Empty Cup + Orange
Apple Juice | Empty Cup + Apple
Honey Milk | Honey Jar + Milk
Honey Jar | Empty Jar + Beehive
Porridge | Wheat + Cup of Milk
Porridge with Potato | Potato + Cup of Milk
Boiled Potato | Potato + Mobile Kitchen
Cold mashed potato | Potato + Hammer
Mashed Potato | Cold mashed potato + Mobile Kitchen
Serving of Cold Fries | Potato + Knife
Hot Rivellon Fries | Serving of Cold Fries + Mobile Kitchen
Flour | Wheat + Mortal and pestle
Dough | Flour + cup of water
Bread | Dough + Oven
Fish Pie Dough | Fish + Dough
Cyseal | Fish Pie Dough + Oven
Apple Dough | Apple + Dough
Apple Pie | Apple Dough + Oven
Tomato Sauce | Tomato + Hammer
Pizza Dough | Dough + Tomato Sauce
Pizza | Pizza Dough + Oven
Cheese Bread Dough | Dough + Cheese
Cheese Bread | Cheese Bread Dough + Oven
Dinner | Raw Meat + Oven or Mobile Kitchen
Elven Stew | Dinner + Tomato Sauce
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ConfinesOfFear 28 Jul, 2014 @ 12:46am 
Musadriff, este guia está ultrapassado, na realidade ele está sendo constantemente modificado, no momento está em sua 5ª atualização. Algumas (muitas) novas descobertas e a exclusão de outras foram realizadas! Quem estiver a fim de dar um look, vai certamente se surpreender com o game (muito possivelmente uma outra vez), pois a lista de Crafting é realmente gigantesca!

Eis o link:
Last edited by ConfinesOfFear; 28 Jul, 2014 @ 12:49am
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