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10 March, 2015
All Discussions > CS:GO Raffling > Topic Details
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CS:GO Raffle Information
CS:GO Raffling is basically the CS:GO Lottery, except you know what you are entering for.

CS:GO Raffling will take place whenever a group member wants their item(s) raffled or a group moderator/admin wants to raffle an item.

The individual in charge of raffling off of the item will create an event stating:
- What the item is
- What the minimum cost to enter that is
- How many slots are available to enter
- How many items can be entered per slot
- A link to a google docs showing the available slots to enter
- A trade link to them

What slots are: When you meet the minimum amount of money in CS:GO guns/items you are able to choose your slot. When you send the trade request to the individual hosting the raffle you must tell him/her:
-The specific raffle you are entering
- The slot number(s) you would like
You are able to hold multiple spots as long as you meet the pay requirements for each spot.

The individual raffling off the item will have:
- A buy-in price
- The lowest amount of USD one item can cost

A buy-in price is how much it costs to enter that particular raffle.

Members are not allowed to raffle items, if you want your item raffled then comment on the thread stating how to have members raffle items. More information will be there.
Thread link:

Don't forget to invite your friends and help raffling grow!
Last edited by BoobDemocracy; 31 Mar, 2015 @ 9:03am
All Discussions > CS:GO Raffling > Topic Details
Date Posted: 31 Mar, 2015 @ 8:10am
Posts: 0

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