CS:GO Lottery Home csgo lottoh
CS:GO Lottery Home csgo lottoh
10 March, 2015
All Discussions > CS:GO Lotteries > Topic Details
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CS:GO Lottery Information
CS:GO Lottery is a weekly event that will take place.
Only admins and above have the ability to enter items into the CS:GO Lottery.
There will be three different lotteries: The small lottery, the medium lottery, and the large lottery.
- Cost to enter the small lottery is $.10 per slot
- Cost to enter the medium lottery is $2.50 per slot, all items must be worth over or equal to $1.00.
- Cost to enter the large lottery is $8.00 per slot, all items must be worth over or equal to $2.50.
- Each lottery has a total of 250 slots. You are able to hold more than one slot, and the maximum slots held in each lottery is 3. This is to make sure that a pool of people are able to enter.
- First come, first serve meaning that the first to enter the lottery get to choose their slots first, and you will not be entered after the slots fill up. If you miss the entry, don't worry, the items will be returned from whoever you sent them too.
- The winner gets all the items that were entered. We will use to choose the winner. Good luck.

How to enter the lottery:
- Send your items to any of the trade link(s) below to enter, we will keep a list of all the entries on a number list.
- Write a message stating that the item(s) are for the lottery. If you don't the item will not be counted
- Tell us which slot numbers you want, 1 - 500.
- Give us the link to your profile, so we can 100% make sure that YOU are getting the items if you win. To get your link:
1. Go to
2. Make sure you are signed in to your steam account
3. Click on your name on the top of the page, and then click on the button titled "PROFILE"
4. Copy the link that it takes you too, and paste it into your trade offer.
- Link your profile in the trade so that if you win, we are able to safely send you the items. If you win and we do not have your profile link, the first person with your username that claims to be you will win the items.
- Coming out with a youtube video to better explain, and a website to make the lottery much easier

(Make sure you are IN THE GROUP when you enter, or the closest winner that is in the group will receive the items)
Don't forget to invite your friends to the group and help the lottery grow!

Admin Trade Links:
tf sayonara:
Last edited by BoobDemocracy; 19 Apr, 2015 @ 10:37am
All Discussions > CS:GO Lotteries > Topic Details
Date Posted: 30 Mar, 2015 @ 9:59pm
Posts: 0