Clockwork Hounds' Forest CHoundsF
Clockwork Hounds' Forest CHoundsF
20 February, 2014
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Drithyl 8 Dec, 2014 @ 1:28pm
Newcomers' 101 or The Few Things You Need to Know if You Just Joined the Group!
Hello there, new blood :3

After having to explain the same things over and over again to each new member, I decided it was about time to create an introductory post to the group. So, newcomers, here's your 101!


  • If you're looking for new games, you should definitely jump on our Discord group.[] You can also check out The Battlefield subforum, although our focus is moving more and more towards Discord.

  • You should definitely check the announcements and events scheduled from time to time. New games' servers put up, new games created and other stuff of general interest will be announced through those tools, to prevent me from having to speak by private to each and every Clockwork Hounds' member. And I insist, you should check out our Discord group.[]

  • I encourage anyone to post their own threads in the forums to organize events and/or games. I will, to the best of my abilities and always limited by bandwith, host the corresponding server for everyone to join, so don't be shy!

  • I suggest getting on group chat or our TeamSpeak server to know the people around. Especially the group chat, it's a great way to pick up on tips and diplomacy if you're in a Dom4 game, or just to have fun.

  • We also play other games than Dom4! There's a Blood Bowl cup going on that's quite fun to watch, and we often get together to play many other strategy games. Just jump on group chat or TeamSpeak and ask around!

  • For any further question that you can't find answered here, I try to be available as much as possible. If I'm playing a game just send me a private, if I show up Online chances are I'm there for you. Otherwise you can also refer to some of the regulars here. Just get on chat and ask away!

Dominions 4 General

  • We use a dedicated server to host our games, so no PBEM is needed. You can just use the Network ingame menu and connect to the server IP and the game port (that will show up in the game thread), play your turn or submit your pretender and then exit the game till the new one rolls.

  • Our standard Dom4 games have a turn duration of 28h, meaning that every 28h a new turn rolls (whether some people still played it or not). We also have a staling rule by which if a player stales a given number of turns, he is subbed (or goes AI, depending on the situation). This is to prevent players that stopped playing from unbalancing the game by becoming easy kills. Don't worry though, we all have our lives, so if you ever have an issue and won't be able to play a turn in the given time, just come to me and I'll increase the timer.

Dominions 4 Games

  • There are new 6-player games constantly starting in Hawk's (Shady) Hatchery. All the details are in the original post, you can sign up for them by posting here.

    EDIT: although Hawk's thread has been dead for a while now due to him being away (real life, I expect), it seems that a new one is starting here.

  • There are bigger, longer games of 12+ players that start every once in a while. Usually there are 3 or 4 running at a time with as many as 28 players. If you'd like to get on one of those, just post when the thread for it is created!

  • For blitzes (usually smaller, quicker games that are resolved in one or two sittings), you can just ask in group chat if anybody is up for it. It depends a lot on the timezones of the people that are online, but if enough people ask I can host a server, just let me know.

  • All of our games use binding trades. This means that if you agree on a trade with another player you must respect it, it is against the rules not to.

Dominions 4 Resources and Mods

  • You can find one of the best resources for Dom4 here[]. You'll be able to look at all the Items, Spells, Units and Magic Sites with even some of the most common mods included.

  • If you're looking for guides, here's a compilation on how to play certain nations, gathered by Hawk.

  • The mods folder can be opened through the ingame menu, just go to Game Tools, then Open User Data Directory. If no mods folder is there, just create it yourself.

  • When it comes to our regular Dom4 games, we use mainly one mod, Worthy Heroes. You'll be able to find the link to it in this thread, as well as many other interesting maps and mods.
Last edited by Drithyl; 9 Dec, 2016 @ 6:54am