LotusEurope LotusEU
LotusEurope LotusEU
18 November, 2012
This topic has been locked
Need a team/players for your team to participate in our Team Fortress tournament?
If you need a team post here with your information (class you play, location, Battlegrounds profile).

For example:
Soldier from the US needs a team. Profile

If you have a team and need players then post what classes you need, location and your Battlegrounds team page.

For example:
TesT team needs US players of all classes. Team Profile

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Showing 1-15 of 65 comments
I need a team and I play Scout and Heavy.
SPARTAN 3 Nov, 2013 @ 12:36pm 
i need team and i play pyro sniper and medic specially sniper
SPARTAN 3 Nov, 2013 @ 12:37pm 
im from london ;P
SPARTAN 4 Nov, 2013 @ 7:57am 
i play any class and am quite experienced
Galactus [Swan] 5 Nov, 2013 @ 12:38am 
Hello there. Soldier from Nor, I just made a Team for the TF2 Tournament 8th that I hope you others will join. Its my first tournament, but i am very skilled with TF2.
I would appreciate if you who join have TF2 skills, above all; teamwork.
The Team is called Tentacle Trauma, I need you <3
Last edited by Galactus [Swan]; 5 Nov, 2013 @ 2:06am
Heyo! Andrea here, I pretty much am a HL player with division 4/silver experience as a Pyro main, but I'd like to try something new for once. I'm a decent pocket Soldier but I can also do Medic if needed.
People tell me that I have an excellent KA/D when I'm playing and such, but that's not what matters the most, is it?
I would really appreciate a team with a good sense of humor and don't rage about their losses and so on. I'm here to have some fun for once. :3
Last edited by Swag E-Queen of Rödvall; 5 Nov, 2013 @ 1:30am
Nekura 5 Nov, 2013 @ 6:34am 
Hey guys, I'm in the UK and I've been playing TF2 since launch.

I can play comfortably as any class, but specialise in Medic and Soldier.
ycamblu 7 Nov, 2013 @ 3:07am 
Need a team, just for fun. I'm from Russia, The Urals. Pyro, Engineer.
cynex 7 Nov, 2013 @ 12:42pm 
Hi I'm from U.S.,I have a tournament group but our medics have been absent and need a medic that is trust worthy and good.Also looking for a other demoman. If interested friend me
Sokekon 8 Nov, 2013 @ 6:02am 
Hi guys, I'm looking for a team.
I'm from Poland and i have over 500 hours of gameplay. I main scout/soldier/spy
NeOnZ_ 8 Nov, 2013 @ 1:44pm 
Hey people, if you are looking for a team for the upcoming tournament, please go and check out the Spartans team at, we really need good players for our team,if u are interested in joining our team, see Frazpeep at steam and freind him, he will decide if u can be in the team. please note that we are only accepting players from Britain to avoid time zone confusure.
Looking for another three classes for our team:
- Engineer
- Scout
- Heavy / Pyro
Reply by tommorow 12 o'clock gmt!
Eph 8 Nov, 2013 @ 8:07pm 
Looking for a team, I play mainly Scout, but I'm also a good sniper
Eph 8 Nov, 2013 @ 8:07pm 
Originally posted by Down With The Crumpets!:
Looking for another three classes for our team:
- Engineer
- Scout
- Heavy / Pyro
Reply by tommorow 12 o'clock gmt!
Can I be your Scout?
Mixyy 9 Nov, 2013 @ 7:45am 
I need team D:
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