Hella TF2 Raffling TF2HRC12
Hella TF2 Raffling TF2HRC12
9 October, 2014
All Discussions > General > Topic Details
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Sny 27 Sep, 2015 @ 7:25am
FAQ & Guidelines

1. What exactly are Raffles?
A means of raising currency by selling numbered spots, one or more of which are subsequently drawn at random, the owner or owners’ of the spots winning a prize.

2. How will you choose a raffle winner?
We'll be using for fairness.

3. Can I choose my slots?
No, We tend to not allow anyone to ask for certain slots. It just makes raffles much more complicated for the people running the raffle.

4. Should I report bots?
Yes, report and block all hijacked accounts and bots. If your's or a friend of your's account is hijacked, make sure to contact Valve's customer support and file a report. Hopefully Valve will get the account back to it's rightful owner.

5. How do I become a Moderator/Officer?
Go to this discussion page and fill out the application. We are currently looking for one moderator and 2 admins.
Click here to see the mod application

6. How do I create a raffle?
Click here to see the thread for suggesting your raffle. A Moderator or Officer will get back to you as soon as possible if they like your requested item(s). Instructions for creating a raffle are included on the page.

7. Why can't I see the items in the Mod/Admins backpack?
This group holds community raffles, where we raffle items for members. If you don't see the item in the Moderator or Admin’s inventory, then it’s likely that it’s in the backpack of the person that wants it raffled. Most people feel uncomfortable letting staff hold onto their items, so we put in the post whose items it is, if that’s the case.

8. How do I donate, and what are the benefits?
Donations really help us out, and if you decide to donate you can head over to our Donations Page. It will list the benefits and process of donation.

9. Are raffle entries refundable?
In most scenarios, the answer will be no. Although this question is case by case. Most of the time, rafflers will put a disclaimer claiming that raffles aren't refundable. HTF2R is not responsible for any items taken for Raffle entries. All refunds must be discussed with the person who is raffling the item.


Many people try to impersonate an admin of the group to intercept entry fees. To make sure you're trading with an admin or moderator, make sure that they have the Gold or Silver star next to their name.
Using SteamRep [] is an effective way to make sure you're not trading with a scammer.

Do not post any topics/replies containing the following:
Pornography, inappropriate or offensive content, warez or leaked content or anything else not safe for work

Raffle Rules:
  • Be patient when entered in a raffle.
  • Remember, there are no refunds once you enter a raffle.
  • Please be kind and don't complain if you lose a raffle.
  • Do not put the prize of the raffle when buying a slot for a raffle.
  • Do not change your username while a raffle you participated in is in progress.
  • Please state what raffle you are entering or it will be considered a donation. (Donations are greatly appreciated!)
  • Don't impersonate admins or raffle winners.
  • Don't beg the winner of the raffle for the item.

Keep in mind that we are not responsible for any scams or failed raffles.

Group Rules:
  • No phishing/scamming or advertisements
  • No offensive or harassing language.
  • Be polite to Moderators, Administrators, and other group members!
  • Don't create your own raffle(s) without speaking to an Admin.
  • Put your posts in the designated Forum (i.e. trades in the Trading Forum)
  • Flame or insult other members, including admins
  • Bypass any filters
  • No posting referral links to sites like g2a.
  • Abuse or encourage abuse of the Reputation, or Post Reporting Systems
  • Don't post personally identifiable information. (i.e. name, address, email, phone number, etc.)
  • Don't post links to phishing sites or advertisements.
  • Don't post ost spam (i.e. +1, 10char, Rickrolls, etc.) or Re-post Closed, Modified, Deleted Content.
  • Don't repetitively post in the incorrect forum. (i.e. trade requests belong in trading forum)
  • Don't openly argue with a moderator.
  • Don't post off-limit Topics/Replies.
  • Don't create your own raffles in any of the forums without permission.

Partner Mod Rules:
  • Do not post more than you're allowed to in one day.
  • All giveaways must have a list of slots, and an expected time for it to end. (Example: January 1st, 2016, at 20k members)
  • Do not advertise non charitable groups that we're not partnered with.
  • No posting announcements with any malicious links or anything contains any of the following:
    a. Spam,
    b. Popup ads,
    c. Pornography, or anything lewd,
    d. Gore,
  • Do not advertise post used for personal benefit (i.e. Your youtube channel or one of your sponsors.)

Faliure to obey rules could result in a ban from the group.

If you view a group member breaking these rules please report the post or item by clicking the Report button located on every item, post, and review.

Have a wonderful morning/day/night!
Last edited by Sny; 28 Jan, 2017 @ 1:41pm
All Discussions > General > Topic Details
Date Posted: 27 Sep, 2015 @ 7:25am
Posts: 0