Hoxhud Payday 2 custom prohud testers HoxHud
Hoxhud Payday 2 custom prohud testers HoxHud
22 March, 2014
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
corpsy 17 Apr, 2014 @ 8:45am
HoxHUD F.A.Q. [Updated: 18/4/2014]
1. What is HoxHud?
HoxHud is a LUA based Hud modification for Payday 2; A non intrusive mod that can be installed, changed, and deleted without affecting core game files.

2. What features does HoxHud have?
At the moment a lot of features in HoxHud are being added, updated and changed. As of the 7.1 build we have updated tooltips for skills, added interaction timers, an AntiCheat/Grief solution, and much more.

3. Can I use only the AntiCheat/or only the Hud?
Yes! You can edit the configuration file to activate only the AntiCheat or just the Hud!
(side note: we're currently working on a user friendly online configuration tool to edit the settings of the Hud online!)

4. How can I get into the Private Beta?
Join the public group, and apply in the comments section!

5. What do I need to run HoxHud?
Payday 2, HoxHud files, and Microsoft Visual C++ Redist.

6. Is HoxHud a Hack or Malicious?
No, and No. HoxHud is a LUA modification. On the subject of it being malicious ask yourself this: Given that the primary goal of malware distributors is to get as many people infected as possible, why is HoxHud a private beta?

7. How does HoxHud implement itself into the game?
HoxHud uses a Lua hook with an API in order to provide access to Lua in the game engine. Neither the Lua hook nor HoxHud is capable of any malicious behaviour. The Lua Hook is also used by those who wish to use malicious Lua scripts, but we would like to stress that the hook is just a tool, it has nothing to do with the ways other people have chosen to (ab)use it.

Any other questions that you feel necessary to be answered can be asked below. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and please spread the word.
Last edited by corpsy; 18 Apr, 2014 @ 11:04am
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Showing 1-15 of 73 comments
RhiaRhiRhi 17 Apr, 2014 @ 10:25am 
I think a lot of people read LUA and, given a brief stint of research in the topic with Payday 2, immediately deduce that any usage of it is malicious. This isn't the case.
corpsy 17 Apr, 2014 @ 10:37am 
Indeed, common knowledge just goes right out the window on this subject. It's almost like we've have forgotten that a lot of todays most popular games have a lot of mods and some are even mods of other games. (Counter Strike, Dota, League of Legends, etc.)
Last edited by corpsy; 17 Apr, 2014 @ 10:38am
Paragon 27 Apr, 2014 @ 7:34pm 
You have too many gamers who have little to no knowledge of even the basic concept and too little programmers and developers working on and testing this. Plus, the hackers at Unkowncheats have noticed this. They have some people applying for the beta to analyze and crack this anti-hack compilation. Basically Trojans (not the condoms) are infecting your tester pool. Might want to watch out for those, if the professional cheating community gets their hands on this early on, you have a big problem. They will root this out before you have finished it. They also do not see it as a problem. I trust you will change that in time. (Source at bottom)

I also know that :overkill: is tightening what can be done with LUA's to limit the influence cheaters can have on games, and many commands seem to be host only. Looks like this might function well only if you are the host of a game. Otherwise it may track stats and alert you of a hacker, but not limit or prevent hacking. I have not watched any livestreams, so this is a prediction from previous experiences and what I have read on these pages.

I also have a minor contribution if you are interested. It is a simple lua that assigns an unobtrusive character to every player's username, so that they can be kicked even if they have an anti-kick script active or have no username at all. Much like a name spoofer that cheaters use, except with some consistency involved. I experiment with lua's in this game, and have a personal anti-hack lua that can remove loot bags, reduce final payday amount (requires a bit of in-game lua CLI), kick anyone (If host), and manage unexperenced hackers (the majority of whom you see) with much ease. Saddly, most of these require in-game lua CLI work, so it is not suited your target audience as a whole.

I wonder how this will turn out, and wish the Dev's luck. :fix:

EDIT: Steam removed the link, copy and paste this URL to navigate to the source page)
Last edited by Paragon; 27 Apr, 2014 @ 7:38pm
Nick "Zorb" Cage 11 May, 2014 @ 2:09am 
Since overkill made their new patch with anti-cheat function, can you be named a cheater for using hox hud?
Paragon 11 May, 2014 @ 3:41am 
Originally posted by Wicked Zorb:
Since overkill made their new patch with anti-cheat function, can you be named a cheater for using hox hud?


Currently the only cheats that will mark you are:
Placing more deployables than the normal game allows.
Spawning in bags.
Carrying more than one bag.

waffle_within 11 May, 2014 @ 9:55am 
When will it be available for all players?
Will it be always free?
Are there additional features planned?

PS This looks awesome, thank you devs!
Last edited by waffle_within; 11 May, 2014 @ 9:57am
Major Herbie 14 May, 2014 @ 5:21am 
Need to put in how often people are accepted into these "Cloased betas" because I'm still waiting.......
RhythmicRiggs 15 May, 2014 @ 2:51am 
Any plans about public release of HUD?
chipsHydro 15 May, 2014 @ 7:43am 
Hey mate, just wanted to give you a heads up that the F.A.Q. might need updating. Stay Hoxtalicious! :)
Jim Bean 17 May, 2014 @ 3:06pm 
I think that I apply here?
Bad Fish 17 May, 2014 @ 8:03pm 
where do i apply as i would like to for my owen testing and to watch out for a few cheaters now also help with knowen issues with amd see if this would maybe help if able 2 take some then games hud stuff off
3.6 Roentgen 23 May, 2014 @ 9:14am 
how can i get hoxud
AloneSmokingBong 23 May, 2014 @ 1:09pm 
In my opinion I think it is absolutely necessary would be a pleasure test it. Awesome job guys keep working.:chains::overkill:
Maultaschenesser 25 May, 2014 @ 7:48am 
where do i need to comment?
JPN_CanyouXXX 27 May, 2014 @ 4:22am 
give hoxhud file
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