Digital Art Gallery ~ dArt
Digital Art Gallery ~ dArt
4 November, 2015
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Skyline* 6 Nov, 2015 @ 2:40am
Technical Questions (Sreenshotting FAQ)
Technical questions, links, discussions, other help.
In this thread you can ask any questions and share knowledge about taking excellent screenshots.

Topics for discussion:

SweetFX & ReShade
ini Tweaks
HUD | Crosshair | Weapon removal in games
Unreal Engine 3 | Source Engine console commands
Soft (Cheat Engine, SRWE, WBG, etc.)

Screenshots Tools | Basic Guide
Useful information for beginners (Software and Setup)
Last edited by Skyline*; 16 Feb, 2016 @ 11:03pm
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Showing 1-15 of 38 comments
I'm really a newbie, how do you guys take large panoramic screenshots ? My native resolution is 1080/1920.
Skyline* 12 Feb, 2016 @ 1:22am 
You can use photoshop, but I avice you to use some special programs which make panoramic screenshots automatic.
The most popular programs are: :bphere:
Autopano Giga[]
ICE (Image Composite Editor)[]

1. Take shots with view which you want to make pano. 2. Import images in program :Teddy_up: and stitch. 3. Export the stitched panorama.

More details you can see in the video if you pass on the links.
Many thanks for your time to share the links ! :med:
Skyline* 12 Feb, 2016 @ 2:44am 
No problem, feel free to ask any other questions. Cheers. :SSWwink:
Sonozaki 12 Feb, 2016 @ 7:02am 
Can somebody explain me how I correctly use GeDoSaTo/SRWE/BWG for Custom Resolutions /d downsampling? Still trying to figure it out by myself but I am a little bit stuck at everything :/

Last edited by Sonozaki; 12 Feb, 2016 @ 7:04am
Skyline* 12 Feb, 2016 @ 7:35am 
It does not work with every game!
Hope this will help you.

p.s. Unfortunately I can't help you with GeDoSaTo, because I am stuck with it too :)
but I hope other admins and moderators will help you with this.
DobrotaR3born 12 Feb, 2016 @ 8:38am 
(Gedosato) first you need to check whether the game is in the white list. If it's there, you just need to add the desired resolutions in the config file, for example: renderResolution 5120x2880@60. If its not in the list, you need to add it manually to the white list (the launching file of the game without .exe, following the example of other games), then create the folder in \Gedosato\config with the same name in the white list, then create a file GeDoSaTo.ini and write resolutions.
Sonozaki 12 Feb, 2016 @ 8:57am 
Thank you very much Skyline & dobrota ! :)

@Skyline Yeah sadly both of them won't work with Remember Me or I did something wrong. But I still got enough games where I will try them :)

@dobrota Thanks! I was confused by this a a lot -.- For example if I want to apply this resolution to Remember Me I use its config file (Allready in the list when I remember right) and copy this renderResolution 5120x2880@60 into it's own config?

Definetly try this out at this weekend and take my time with it :)

Thanks ^-^
Last edited by Sonozaki; 12 Feb, 2016 @ 9:05am
DobrotaR3born 12 Feb, 2016 @ 9:36am 
that's right, the game is already in the list. It's simple: edit profile --> select the game under "Profile" at the bottom --> add the desired resolution
since this game is built on Unreal Engine 3, you can bind your resolutions or UE3 Debug Commands on any buttons in the config file. For example Bindings=(Name="F3",Command="setres 8640x3645",Control=True) .(!resolutions in the config of the game and in the gedosato config should be the same to make it work!) I strongly recommend to read this guide I hope I at least helped a bit. Good luck:)
Sonozaki 12 Feb, 2016 @ 9:41am 
Okay will set it up like this then :)

Yeah used this allready for some shots :-) It's still difficult to take action shots though :/
A lot of toggling Ghost/Walk & Playersonly. Luckily the slowmo command works.

Didn't know about the Rendering Commands :o Thanks a lot!

I'let you know when I got some results ^-^ Thanks for your help :) Now I have a point where to start from!
Last edited by Sonozaki; 12 Feb, 2016 @ 9:42am
Zift 12 Feb, 2016 @ 10:43am 
I would like to get some help with the Cheat Engine.

I have never used the Engine before.
I want to use it for Witcher 2. But it simply doesn't work. I am not sure what the problem is..
I saw this and I tried it but doesn't work.
Skyline* 12 Feb, 2016 @ 7:21pm 
Zift, Are you sure that you properly use Cheat Engine?
Are you activated the downloaded table in CE?

Some instructions:
1 - Download the table and copy it to CE´s folder;
2 - Run Cheat Engine;
3 - Run the game;
4 - ALT+TAB and via Cheat Engine choose the game on the process list;
5 - Cheat Engine will ask if you want to load the associated Cheat table. Just click on YES;
6 - Once the table is loaded, if there is a script, just check it.
7 - ALT+TAB back to the game and have fun.

p.s. This CE table is really bad and hard to use, especially for those who never used CE before. Because ----> "You must use timestop (F2) before using the free camera (F1). Geralt must be in motion when you pause or the free camera will make him disappear".
Last edited by Skyline*; 12 Feb, 2016 @ 7:21pm
Zift 12 Feb, 2016 @ 7:33pm 
I did every single part and it still doesnt work. Even with the F2 part.
Skyline* 12 Feb, 2016 @ 8:01pm 
Are you sure that you chose the correct process and activated scripts?
Last edited by Skyline*; 12 Feb, 2016 @ 8:26pm
Zift 13 Feb, 2016 @ 4:00am 
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