AccidentlyReviewed Free Keys!
AccidentlyReviewed Free Keys!
27 December, 2015
United States 
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Accidently Reviewed
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Accidently Reviewed
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Accidently Reviewed
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Last edited by Ms. Morgayne Swain; 17 Nov, 2016 @ 7:49pm
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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
[c ode][h 1]Accidently Reviewed[/h1]
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[c ode][h 1] Accidently Reviewed[/h1]
¿Fue este análisis de ayuda? ¿O quizás no? De cualquier manera únete a este grupo para más. ¡Juegos gratis y análisis de juegos cada semana!
[ur l=] Steam Group: AccidentlyReviewed[/url][/code]

[c ode][h 1] Accidently Reviewed[/h]
Помог ли вам этот обзор или нет? В любом случе присоиденяйся к нашему сообществу. Бесплатные ключи и раздачи!
Steam Group: AccidentlyReviewed[/c]
Last edited by Mike; 1 Oct, 2016 @ 6:35am
No spaces in the first part. Jus so you can see the code^
Sqverl 22 Jul, 2016 @ 9:43am 
need to add this to your reviews section
XcruelkillerX 22 Jul, 2016 @ 9:51am 
done. So is there any other requirement for it to show up in the Curator section?
coz strangely, all I see there are kinda famous games
should be able to add now. There is a "Curator Tab" open to our members now
KCBUAYA 22 Jul, 2016 @ 10:06pm 

Originally posted by AccidentlyOnPurpose:
[co de][h 1] Accidently Reviewed[/h1]
Was this review helpful or maybe even not helpful? Either way join this group for more. Free Keys and Reviews weekly!
Steam Group: AccidentlyReviewed[/c]
Kernewek 9 Aug, 2016 @ 9:46am 
Thanks For Lettin' Use This!
Ajs Rage Comic 15 Aug, 2016 @ 5:48am 
great! I always wanted to ask if it's ok to put that on mine reviews :).. (even though I don't have much XD)..
PandaNoja 3 Sep, 2016 @ 8:15pm 
Thanks for this topic. I was wondering how I could add that box to my reviews. Now I know. =D
Kernewek 3 Sep, 2016 @ 8:44pm 
Isn't It Possible @AccidentlyOnPurpose To Do [parse] and [/parse] Instead Of Using Spaces?
Originally posted by I Have A Gun!!:
Isn't It Possible @AccidentlyOnPurpose To Do [parse] and [/parse] Instead Of Using Spaces?
Thanks for the idea. Tried it but no luck. :killcrate:
Kernewek 3 Sep, 2016 @ 9:24pm 
Ah Np! D:
Supervictor 1 Oct, 2016 @ 5:05am 
I've just found it and edited my reviews with that box. By the way, in the spanish version the link is not working, the code should be like this:

[c ode][h 1] Accidently Reviewed[/h1]
¿Fue este análisis de ayuda? ¿O quizás no? De cualquier manera únete a este grupo para más. ¡Juegos gratis y análisis de juegos cada semana!
[ur l=] Steam Group: AccidentlyReviewed[/url][/code]
Mike 1 Oct, 2016 @ 6:36am 
Thank you!!!!! Fixed!!! :)
YEET07 1 Sep, 2017 @ 6:59am 

Accidently Reviewed
Was this review helpful or maybe even not helpful? Either way join this group for more. Free Keys and Reviews weekly!
Steam Group: AccidentlyReviewed
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