Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

General Plastro 19 Nov, 2012 @ 5:20pm
Steam Hitman 2: Silent Assassin is the Censored Version
Hey, just for you guys to know, the steam (1.02) version of this game is the censored version, which means there is some cut Dialogue (both in-game & in Diana's briefing) concerning the Sikh's levels, so if you did find them weird (they cutted the explanation about the whole cult's deal with terrorism) its because of censorship. Besides the dialogue, it seems they made a minor tweak and 47 doesnt wear the turban while desguised as a sikh member.

While its a very minor point, its for people to know what their are getting. If you have the original CD version and dont want steam's to be censored, just copy & paste the mission files (very easily found on the game's folder) over steam's.
Last edited by General Plastro; 26 Jan, 2014 @ 3:58pm
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Showing 1-15 of 91 comments
DosBoss 1 Dec, 2012 @ 4:44am 
GAH!, can't stand censorship!, think you'd be able to upload the uncut files? only got a cd for the ps2 version :(
Soundman7 2 Jan, 2013 @ 9:32am 
This is rediculous .......This country has gotten to damn politically correct!
General Plastro 3 Jan, 2013 @ 5:14am 
Its not much big of a deal, i really dunno why it was censored, i belive its manly because Diana uses Sikh religious terms in the briefing, they also removed Agent Smith's line where he calls the Sikh assassins "♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥".
With the uncensored version, Diana makes it clear its an extremist sect of the Sikh that deals with arms contraband & terrorism, with how things are now, its quite "random" as to why 47 went to india and how some people in orange are trying to kill him.
deadnbreakfast 25 Jan, 2013 @ 7:31am 
Don't remember the specifics, but it was an issue around the time the game was released and so the censorship isn't anything new. Frankly it's not worth complaining about.
vincegun 27 Jan, 2013 @ 6:21am 
Sigh. ANY censorship is worth complaining about.
Aspertinac 28 Jan, 2013 @ 10:32am 
So is it worth it? Are the cencorships significant?
Please reply fast, the collection is for sale just until tomorrow.
Last edited by Aspertinac; 28 Jan, 2013 @ 10:39am
General Plastro 28 Jan, 2013 @ 11:33am 
Originally posted by SilenceDeath:
So is it worth it? Are the cencorships significant?
Please reply fast, the collection is for sale just until tomorrow.

Well, you can download the files from the CD version and replace them.

Diana's Briefing is clearly chopped off in the indian levels, on the first level they even cut "forty" from Forty Seven. The censorship is only present in 3 levels (the first one being the most "heavily" edited), as already explained above, Agent Smith's dialogue is also altered for the first level and 47 doesnt wear the turban if he disguises himself as a cult member.

While its mildly annoying, if its very cheap, its worth to get it.
Aspertinac 28 Jan, 2013 @ 11:38am 
Thanks a lot!
Is "blood money" and "codename 47" cut, too?
General Plastro 28 Jan, 2013 @ 12:41pm 
Originally posted by SilenceDeath:
Thanks a lot!
Is "blood money" and "codename 47" cut, too?

Codename 47 isnt. I havent tried Steam's Blood Money, so i cant say.
General Plastro 26 Jan, 2014 @ 3:57pm 
*Bump* So people see this, since as of late there has been alot of people buying Hitman games.
I have the steam version and retail version (but it's part of a collection and already been patched).

Any chance you could upload those mission files somewhere? Thanks.
Last edited by -3xA'Lu©κy the disappearing act; 27 Jan, 2014 @ 4:44pm
General Plastro 27 Jan, 2014 @ 6:16pm 
Originally posted by AAA Lucky:
I have the steam version and retail version (but it's part of a collection and already been patched).

Any chance you could upload those mission files somewhere? Thanks.

Right now i am currently on a 20 day trip so i dont have acess to my CDs, but if you really need them you can always use the big T and get yourself the original CD ISO. Install the original Hitman 2 and copy the files from the respectively mission number (off the top of my head its mission 19, if i am not mistaken) over steam's.

If you do so, you will end up with with the patched version, 1.02 and no censored content, just beware you will have to restart if your in the middle of any of the 3 Sikh missions (actually, you can even load the game, but if 47 disguises himself as a Sikh member, the game will crash).
Originally posted by General Plastro:
Originally posted by AAA Lucky:
I have the steam version and retail version (but it's part of a collection and already been patched).

Any chance you could upload those mission files somewhere? Thanks.

Right now i am currently on a 20 day trip so i dont have acess to my CDs, but if you really need them you can always use the big T and get yourself the original CD ISO. Install the original Hitman 2 and copy the files from the respectively mission number (off the top of my head its mission 19, if i am not mistaken) over steam's.

If you do so, you will end up with with the patched version, 1.02 and no censored content, just beware you will have to restart if your in the middle of any of the 3 Sikh missions (actually, you can even load the game, but if 47 disguises himself as a Sikh member, the game will crash).

Damn shame, haha. Thanks for replying anyway man :)
Just installed from original cd, and the whole SCENES folder is bit by bit exactly same size with the steam version. There must be some difference in file size if other ones are uncensored. What I'm doing wrong?
Last edited by อานนท์; 2 Feb, 2014 @ 5:34am
Just tried with another iso, but it thorws Error when I start the mission. How you are supposed to do it?
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