Space Journey

Space Journey

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CruJones83 5 Mar, 2017 @ 7:07pm Keys - Make a replacement request via the developer
The Developer has been paid (within the 10 business days as per the contract that he signed).

We'd usually facilitate the replacement of keys, but we've taken the site down at this point now.

Please work with bcinteractive directly to get a new key.

We'd like to apologize to our fans that you had to go through this.
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You over-rotated.
Horseflesh 6 Mar, 2017 @ 1:18am 
Hooray! Glad this looks like it's being sorted. I have 2 keys I need replacing.
AnH 6 Mar, 2017 @ 10:50am 
The end of a story , or the new chapter in a long saga ... we'll see soon.
berdyev  [developer] 6 Mar, 2017 @ 1:52pm 
Originally posted by CruJones83:
The Developer has been paid (within the 10 business days as per the contract that he signed).

We'd usually facilitate the replacement of keys, but we've taken the site down at this point now.

Please work with bcinteractive directly to get a new key.

We'd like to apologize to our fans that you had to go through this.

Are you for real? You guys ignored my messages for months, then after asking for payment method, ignored me for another two weeks. After such disappointment, I decided to revoke keys, and you knew about it before sending the payment.

Yet, I never got sales stats and how many keys there are left.

Now that you know you are in trouble, you're sending us a payment? No thanks.

You guys screwed up and wanted to get away with it, so deal with consequences.
CruJones83 6 Mar, 2017 @ 7:05pm 
Originally posted by berdyev:
Originally posted by CruJones83:
The Developer has been paid (within the 10 business days as per the contract that he signed).

We'd usually facilitate the replacement of keys, but we've taken the site down at this point now.

Please work with bcinteractive directly to get a new key.

We'd like to apologize to our fans that you had to go through this.

Are you for real? You guys ignored my messages for months, then after asking for payment method, ignored me for another two weeks. After such disappointment, I decided to revoke keys, and you knew about it before sending the payment.

Yet, I never got sales stats and how many keys there are left.

Now that you know you are in trouble, you're sending us a payment? No thanks.

You guys screwed up and wanted to get away with it, so deal with consequences.

If you don't want the money feel free to send it back.

To answer your other question, there are no keys left as you've revoked them all.

We asked for your paypal address on February 26th (4 days after the bundle ended), and paid out exactly one week after that. I don't understand how that equates to you being "ignored for two weeks" after the request was made. You were paid within a week.

The bundle ended on February 22nd and the contract stated that you'd be paid within 10 business days. 10 business days brings us to March 8th and you were paid on March 5th, well within the agreement you signed. You have a copy of the agreement and it would be very easy to consult it to see when you would be getting paid.

With that being said, we are now out of business and I have no reputation to protect. There are no consequences for me. I am posting this because I don't want people within your community to miss out on playing your game that they paid for, it's the right thing to do. I'm hoping that you'll do the right thing and provide keys to those who provide you with proof of payment.

Originally posted by Toothpick Nick ۞:
You over-rotated.

Hahaha "No S#it" :D (I love when people get the reference!)
Last edited by CruJones83; 6 Mar, 2017 @ 7:11pm
MancSoulja 6 Mar, 2017 @ 8:55pm 
Originally posted by CruJones83:


The developer of this game also revoked our GameBundle keys

Can you confirm he has received payment and / or liaise with him to have them replaced? :)

Thanks, and sorry to hear about the website. As an ex employee of another bundle site, I know how tough the business can be.

Last edited by MancSoulja; 8 Mar, 2017 @ 3:03pm
BridgetFisher 7 Mar, 2017 @ 6:51pm 
berdyev to be fair they were closing up shop which in its own way sucks, so gotta throw them a bit of slack at least for not getting back, right? Thats kind of a sucky situation :P

The dev of this game if they wanted could always replace them on an individual basis per an email request for those of us who cared about the game or wanted to play it. Always an option :D Hope a labor of love doesnt become a burden because we all need more games :(
Last edited by BridgetFisher; 7 Mar, 2017 @ 6:56pm
Wolba 8 Mar, 2017 @ 9:13pm 
you got the money and revoked the keys I think now this a case for Steam I hope you and your games get banned from Steam!
shade00 8 Mar, 2017 @ 9:20pm 
one thing to say, revoking keys shouldent happen unless an absolute last resort.
which this could have been worked out with the bundle site possibly before resorting to that.
now something which could have been smaller is split wide open.
since someone mentioned you could replace keys via email, youd need to verify each reciept.
and hope scammers dont appear.
but in the end, this is sadly the path you choose, now you have to figure out how to resolve it x.x

which revoking of keys has gained many developers easily an bad name, some so far as to there games not being bought really much anymore.

so hopefully you can figure out some way to resolve this.
im unsure if possible to unrevoke redeemed keys or not, some devs have said it isnt.
but also possible it was an excuse, since many of them had given keys in mass to bundlesites, or supposed giveaway promoters, which didnt pan out as they expected.

so id say contact steam and see what they can do :bbtcat:
dgc1980 9 Mar, 2017 @ 5:04pm 
would be nice if the dev supplied an email or something so we can request new keys,
but I highly doubt the dev gives a ♥♥♥♥, he's got his money now.

-If my game is accepted through Steam Greenlight, can I give my previous customers keys for the Steam version?

-Once your game is accepted for distribution on Steam, we will give you as many keys for your game as you want at no cost.
shade00 12 Mar, 2017 @ 4:21pm 
Originally posted by ⎛⎝GreenlightCop⎠⎞:

-If my game is accepted through Steam Greenlight, can I give my previous customers keys for the Steam version?

-Once your game is accepted for distribution on Steam, we will give you as many keys for your game as you want at no cost.
probally not the best place to be asking that, i think steam has greenlight subject forums.
but yes but usually it has to be done manually, like have them email you with the proof reciept.
becareful as many scammers which seem very truthful.
also if its via itch they have an system for sending out keys to buyers.
berdyev  [developer] 12 Mar, 2017 @ 4:25pm 
After a long thought, I've made a decision to return them revoked keys back.

All you'll need to do is to contact me (via steam is fine), show me proof of your purchase, give me the key that has been deactivated (for a proof that it's yours) and I will send a new one over.

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