Dead Rising 3

Dead Rising 3

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Gin51 27 Jul, 2014 @ 11:11am
Censored in Japan
Please i ask someone from capcom to answer me, if the game will have some type of censorship in Japan ,i dont want to buy a game that dont have all the gore i deserve... if you guys say the game will have censored things like no decapitated heads or limbs ,then i will need to import ,and sadly not buy the steam version... i apreciate the help i cant wait to play this game, i was thinking about buying the Xboxone only to play this, yeah im really crazy about this serie... Oh and excuse my poor english skills...

Whats make me really uneasy is that when i enter the game store page it say´s Buy Dead Rising 3 (JP} i dont feel happy when i read its the JP version because its like the game saying to my face that i will get a censored version and be really disapointed...
Last edited by Gin51; 27 Jul, 2014 @ 11:14am
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KuWanTum 27 Jul, 2014 @ 5:19pm 
No, it won't be censored. The JP version allows Capcom, like other Japanese publishers, to engage in price fixing and force us to pay more and/or not have big discounts in sales.
Gin51 28 Jul, 2014 @ 7:17am 
I only believe this when i see some mag article or some dev saying himself because capcom has a long story of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ up Japan with their censored versions... like Dead rising 1 ,2...
Chika Ogiue 1 Sep, 2014 @ 8:10pm 
It'll likely be a low violence version. Capcom censor most of their games in Japan to remove excessive gore, especially decapitations (as censoring those are a CERO and legal requirement).
WBacon  [developer] 1 Sep, 2014 @ 8:38pm 
Originally posted by Chika Ogiue:
It'll likely be a low violence version. Capcom censor most of their games in Japan to remove excessive gore, especially decapitations (as censoring those are a CERO and legal requirement).

Actually, I have some information on this now that the game has been officially rated by CERO.

The game WILL have blood, dismemberment and decapitation, but some elements have been modified in order to pass the CERO rating board, such as:

- The intestine splattered on the window in one of the earlier cutscenes have been changed to a blood splatter.

- 'Disembowel' gut-punch move has been modified to not show the entrails being pulled out.

- Blood spurting out of the neck after one of the bosses decapitates himself.

- Modified to not show intestine being pulled out in one of the boss cutscenes.

You'll still see zombies dismembered and mangled in gruesome ways, and corpse & body parts will be littered all over the streets.
KuWanTum 1 Sep, 2014 @ 8:48pm 
Hey Wbacon, thanks for the reply.

Any idea why the Japan price is $15 more (inc preorder discount) than in US despite our sales tax being lower than many states (EG California)?

(It's 60usd here during the preorder discount period)
Chika Ogiue 1 Sep, 2014 @ 9:04pm 
Originally posted by wbacon capcom:
You'll still see zombies dismembered and mangled in gruesome ways, and corpse & body parts will be littered all over the streets.

I guess CERO no longer class zombies as humans then. Kinda like Fallout 3 where non-human characters could be dismembered, but those ghouls, etc., with human names could not.

Originally posted by KuWanTum Binman:
Hey Wbacon, thanks for the reply.
Any idea why the Japan price is $15 more (inc preorder discount) than in US despite our sales tax being lower than many states (EG California)?

(It's 60usd here during the preorder discount period)

Games are more expensive in Japan. Just be glad it's not been given the console RRP of 7,452 yen.
WBacon  [developer] 1 Sep, 2014 @ 9:26pm 
Originally posted by KuWanTum Binman:
Hey Wbacon, thanks for the reply.

Any idea why the Japan price is $15 more (inc preorder discount) than in US despite our sales tax being lower than many states (EG California)?

(It's 60usd here during the preorder discount period)

Games (and not just Capcom games) are generally more expensive in Japan due to higher overhead, higher cost of living, etc. I believe Dead Rising 3 is also priced the same as the Xbox One version which also launches on September 4th.

KuWanTum 1 Sep, 2014 @ 10:26pm 
Originally posted by Chika Ogiue:
Originally posted by wbacon capcom:
You'll still see zombies dismembered and mangled in gruesome ways, and corpse & body parts will be littered all over the streets.

I guess CERO no longer class zombies as humans then. Kinda like Fallout 3 where non-human characters could be dismembered, but those ghouls, etc., with human names could not.

Originally posted by KuWanTum Binman:
Hey Wbacon, thanks for the reply.
Any idea why the Japan price is $15 more (inc preorder discount) than in US despite our sales tax being lower than many states (EG California)?

(It's 60usd here during the preorder discount period)

Games are more expensive in Japan. Just be glad it's not been given the console RRP of 7,452 yen.

Wow, is the console version seriously that high? Maybe 6000yen wasn't so bad afterall lol!
Elusive 1 Sep, 2014 @ 10:54pm 
Originally posted by wbacon capcom:
Originally posted by KuWanTum Binman:
Hey Wbacon, thanks for the reply.

Any idea why the Japan price is $15 more (inc preorder discount) than in US despite our sales tax being lower than many states (EG California)?

(It's 60usd here during the preorder discount period)

Games (and not just Capcom games) are generally more expensive in Japan due to higher overhead, higher cost of living, etc. I believe Dead Rising 3 is also priced the same as the Xbox One version which also launches on September 4th.

how do you pull that when its on steam. .there are no over heads or cost of living in online distrabution like steam.
Kalshion 1 Sep, 2014 @ 11:40pm 
Ummm, yes Steam 'does' have overhead. They may not have a physical warehouse to store physical copies, but they do have a physical warehouse that stores physical servers. Those servers store the many trillions of digital information relates to games and non-games, those servers don't maintain themselves so guess where the money comes for that?

Yep, from the games we buy here on Steam. Valve gets a cut from the profits of games sold here, and part of that cut goes to maintaining those servers and keeping them in top form so that they can deliver us the content that we purchase.

Also, you gotta remember that Valve has to pay their software, and hardware techs, to maintain the servers so that factors into the overhead.
Elusive 1 Sep, 2014 @ 11:44pm 
but the price should not be the same if not MORE then a hard copy from a store that has to fly or be shipped by boat and taking to a store.. its stupid.
Chika Ogiue 2 Sep, 2014 @ 12:21am 
Originally posted by snipershy:
how do you pull that when its on steam. .there are no over heads or cost of living in online distrabution like steam.

Local distributors will complain if Steam is significantly cheaper apparently. But hey, at least we don't have to pay tax when buying on Steam (yet).

As it is, by local pricing conventions for PC games, games on Steam should actually be even more expensive than their console counterparts. Basically because a lot of publishers just state "Open price" for a PC version and to retailers that means 10,000 yen or more.
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Date Posted: 27 Jul, 2014 @ 11:11am
Posts: 12