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Star Fox 3 May, 2015 @ 5:26pm
Petition to allow players to vote on (Nerfs and Buffs)
-How it works:
- Ronimo, adds in a free DLC (Awesomenaut Update Nerfs/Buffs)
-On the DLC Ronimo Employees give ideas on Nerfing and Buffing ideas
-Awesomenauts Players vote _ Yes or No. As well as an explanation.
-Points toward voting the higher your League the more points you have towards voting
-Ronimo Employees) Symbol name for whatever idea they have is a Gorilla
-Awesomenauts Players) Symbol would be their League Number in their last season and also their prestige.
-Anyone is allowed to post suggestion where anyone can vote, those who add in a vote towards the idea bumps up the suggestion so it is seen more.

(Higher League>Lower League on points toward the vote onto updates)
Last edited by Star Fox; 3 May, 2015 @ 5:33pm
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Showing 1-15 of 58 comments
Bob_n_Steve 3 May, 2015 @ 5:29pm 
Star Fox 3 May, 2015 @ 5:30pm 
Nah bro it's needed Awesomenauts have had bad updates recently.
Moonfang 3 May, 2015 @ 5:31pm 
No, sorry, just no.
That will make the game worse
Star Fox 3 May, 2015 @ 5:32pm 
The Ronimo updates have been worse the idea is that people vote on whether this character should be buffed or nerfed plus higher league ppl have more higher vote points so that the more experienced ppl are voting over the newcomers.
Artemis of Dust 3 May, 2015 @ 5:32pm 
The majority is not necessarily smart.
It's a common concept that as crowds, we are actually very unintelligent and rash to make bigger decisions that can be entirely counter-productive, when small and well communicating individuals can be highly intelligent and aware.

There is also the issue of those who know nothing about game balance causing a sort of imbalance in the results: but votes according to rating is unfair as you don't have to be League 1 or even 2 to know something good about the balance of a game; and many League 1s and 2s can be awful at game balance.

The concept of applying a kind of unequal democracy doesn't work on game balance, since there are not a great number of people who actually are highly capable of balance, and their voices would be lost amongst the sea of those who know much less.

It would only really be good at pointing out major issues quickly, which the forums kind of already do spectacularly well.
Last edited by Artemis of Dust; 3 May, 2015 @ 5:34pm
Star Fox 3 May, 2015 @ 5:35pm 
The Concept is that Higher League players those more experienced have a higher say. Read the frikin desc.
Artemis of Dust 3 May, 2015 @ 5:36pm 
I already commented on that.
Higher league =/= more intelligence on balance.
You both flood it with thousands of those with no good concept (Sorry, but it's pretty obvious that a large majority of those with no experience will know nothing about balance), and you still drown the best voices amongst those higher in ranks who apparently have a better opinion because they are more skilled. It's an inherently unreliable system.
Last edited by Artemis of Dust; 3 May, 2015 @ 5:37pm
Moonfang 3 May, 2015 @ 5:38pm 
Originally posted by IAWD Star Fox:
The Concept is that Higher League players those more experienced have a higher say. Read the frikin desc.

Originally posted by Sir Emo Tarquin Death Chapington:
many League 1s and 2s can be awful at game balance..

Last edited by Moonfang; 3 May, 2015 @ 5:38pm
Star Fox 3 May, 2015 @ 5:38pm 
The system towards the voices are just like the discussion forums then. -.- Stating that a section would only Ronimo Employees that put in ideas where
Say League 8 players count 1 person per vote while L1 players are 1000 per vote it'd balance off if Ronimo can account for the Rank balance.
Star Fox 3 May, 2015 @ 5:40pm 
League 1 and League 2 players have the most experience and at the end of the day it's not Ronimo whose playing the game it's the Players that play awesomenauts.
Star Fox 3 May, 2015 @ 5:41pm 
Awesomenauts should still add in this system to at least get faster feedback on update ideas. This would further in benefit whether the next update is good or bad.
Artemis of Dust 3 May, 2015 @ 5:43pm 
League 1s should not ever be assumed to be good at balance.
It's a wrong assumption, and can lead to some chaos if we only listen to those best at playing the game.

Right now the forums mostly works for discussion purposes, but also works for giving some inspiration to Ronimo. Ideas are often drawn out by the volunteer group named the "Betanauts" and relay their opinions to Ronimo. This has been lacking oft late however and I feel is the cause of some issues.

Now, personally, the best would be if they could re-start the old betanauts infrastructure. Revive the balance chats they hosted in private with the players deemed the very best at balance, and allow ideas to go through this group as a medium of giving Ronimo the best guide for balance. Essentially everyone has a voice, but only if these selected people with high experience in both balancing and playing deem it worth their attention. Issues are flushed out quick and innovation on characters can be done more dynamically.
Last edited by Artemis of Dust; 3 May, 2015 @ 5:44pm
Star Fox 3 May, 2015 @ 5:47pm 
If anything Awesomenauts players higher in league would know a difference whether what should be more balanced. Most of them want to keep their position in ranking if anything this would only benefit players because it's what they want.
This idea should at least be used not to make official update votes but so Ronimo employees can see more opinions from players of this game.
Generally Higher League accounts for more hours and they'd know as well what should be balanced or what is unbalanced. No Higher league player wants the game unbalanced because they want to keep a good rank in the leader boards.
Moonfang 3 May, 2015 @ 5:50pm 
Originally posted by IAWD Star Fox:
No Higher league player wants the game unbalanced because they want to keep a good rank in the leader boards.
Actually, there are those out there that want that very thing.

Originally posted by IAWD Star Fox:
Generally Higher League accounts for more hours and they'd know as well what should be balanced or what is unbalanced. .

Originally posted by Sir Emo Tarquin Death Chapington:
League 1s should not ever be assumed to be good at balance
Artemis of Dust 3 May, 2015 @ 5:53pm 
I agree, in general the top range of leagues have more game knowledge than the lower leagues. However, they are still collectively worse than the balance work of select individuals.

It's not about "want" either: it's about how good people are at balance. Again, not that many are actually very good at it (although many provide interesting ideas, I'll give you that).
You can "want" to balance something, but still be atrocious at the task.

Let us also remember that such a system would both take a lot of development work, which is needless hours spent on otherwise bug-fixing or content building; and there's nothing to prevent people with alternate accounts abusing the system to get 10 times the vote (I can easily think of someone who could attain a high rank across 10 accounts).
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Date Posted: 3 May, 2015 @ 5:26pm
Posts: 58