Arma 3
Zaren 8 Jan, 2018 @ 12:55pm
New Car [Paid work]
im looking for a modeler/texturer/developer or whatever it is called that can build me a MB 290 Multi 3 that is fully usable and looks good and accurate. this job is ofcourse gonna be paid for.

-needs to be drivable
-need to be able to use the guns on it(50cal and mg3)
-needs to come in desert and OD green.
-needs to look accurate.
-needs to be able to drive at speed 80km/h max speed 110km/h (handle like a land rover)
-needs to be able to take on an IED or 2
-armored chassie(doors, engine compartment etc...)
-needs to handle uphills and terrain easy. (handle like a land rover)
-needs to work with TFAR( needs long range radio for gunner driver and commander)
-needs to work with Ace interactions(repair, storage etc..)

here are some pictures of the car:

Dash and middle section:


(the orange colour needs to be desert for it's desert version and OD green for the OD green version. the seat for the tail gunner needs to be bucket seat and there should be a netting wall behind driver and vehicle commander separating them from the topcover and the tailgunner. i think this is shown on some of the pictures)

and a link to a album of it:

For more info you can contact me on steam or just leave some info in this thread

Last edited by Zaren; 9 Mar, 2018 @ 9:39am
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
Zaren 11 Jan, 2018 @ 2:25pm 
bump, still looking...
Zaren 12 Jan, 2018 @ 7:45am 
Zaren 13 Jan, 2018 @ 3:52am 
still looking.....
Zaren 17 Jan, 2018 @ 9:35am 
Zaren 17 Jan, 2018 @ 3:16pm 
nobody that is intrested in earning some money and helping me out?
Zaren 20 Jan, 2018 @ 9:54am 
still looking :P
Maraz 10 Feb, 2018 @ 8:13pm 
Zaren 26 Feb, 2018 @ 8:08am 
Saadat, i see you removed me from friendlist? are you pulling out on the job?
Zaren 26 Feb, 2018 @ 3:03pm 
ok, since it looks like the guy pulled out on this job im still looking for someone to do this. this is a paid job(actually paying a good ammount). if instrested please add me as friend or comment here.
Zaren 7 Mar, 2018 @ 9:38am 
still looking
goegergegerge 7 Mar, 2018 @ 2:08pm 

He does vehicles & hes a very nice guy
Zaren 9 Mar, 2018 @ 9:44am 
still looking
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
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Date Posted: 8 Jan, 2018 @ 12:55pm
Posts: 12